Graphs Algorithm
Prim's Algorithm

Prim's Algorithm

Prim's Algorithm is a greedy algorithm used to find the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a connected, undirected graph. The MST is a subset of the graph's edges that connects all the vertices with the minimum possible total edge weight. Prim's Algorithm is particularly useful for network design, such as laying down minimum-length electrical wire to connect a set of houses.

How Prim's Algorithm Works

  1. Initialization:

    • Start with an arbitrary node as the initial MST.
    • Create a set to track vertices included in the MST (initially empty).
  2. Selecting Edges:

    • While the MST set does not include all vertices:
      • Find the minimum-weight edge that connects a vertex in the MST to a vertex outside of the MST.
      • Add the vertex at the other end of the selected edge to the MST set.
      • Add the selected edge to the MST.
  3. Completion:

    • Continue this process until all vertices are included in the MST.

Key Features

  • Greedy Approach: Prim's Algorithm makes locally optimal choices to build a globally optimal solution.

  • Minimum Spanning Tree: It finds the MST, ensuring the least possible total edge weight to connect all vertices.


  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of Prim's Algorithm depends on the data structures used for the graph. With a priority queue, it typically runs in O(E + V log V) time, where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.

  • Space Complexity: The space complexity depends on the data structures used. In the worst case, it can be O(E + V).


  • Network Design: Prim's Algorithm is widely used in network design, including laying down minimum-length electrical wires or connecting a set of houses with minimal cost.

  • Image Segmentation: It can be applied in image processing for image segmentation, where it partitions an image into regions.

  • Cluster Analysis: Prim's Algorithm is used for clustering data points in various applications, such as data mining and spatial analysis.


  • Must Be Connected: Prim's Algorithm requires the graph to be connected. If the graph has disconnected components, it needs to be run separately on each component.

  • Doesn't Work for Directed Graphs: It is designed for undirected graphs. For directed graphs, other algorithms like Kruskal's Algorithm may be used.

  • Sensitivity to Edge Weights: The algorithm's performance can vary based on the choice of edge weights. Different edge weight assignments can result in different minimum spanning trees.

Prim's Algorithm Implementation in JavaScript

Here's an example of Prim's Algorithm implemented in JavaScript:

class Graph {
    constructor() {
        this.vertices = [];
        this.edges = [];
    addVertex(vertex) {
    addEdge(vertex1, vertex2, weight) {
        this.edges.push({ vertex1, vertex2, weight });
    primMST() {
        const mst = [];
        const mstSet = new Set();
        while (mstSet.size < this.vertices.length) {
            let minWeight = Number.MAX_VALUE;
            let edgeToInclude = null;
            for (const vertex of mstSet) {
                for (const edge of this.edges) {
                    if (edge.vertex1 === vertex && !mstSet.has(edge.vertex2) && edge.weight < minWeight) {
                        minWeight = edge.weight;
                        edgeToInclude = edge;
            if (edgeToInclude) {
        return mst;
// Example usage
const graph = new Graph();
const vertices = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"];
vertices.forEach((vertex) => graph.addVertex(vertex));
graph.addEdge("A", "B", 2);
graph.addEdge("A", "C", 3);
graph.addEdge("B", "C", 1);
graph.addEdge("B", "D", 1);
graph.addEdge("C", "D", 1);
graph.addEdge("C", "E", 4);
graph.addEdge("D", "E", 2);
const mst = graph.primMST();
console.log("Minimum Spanning Tree (MST):", mst);

In this JavaScript code:

  • The `Graph` class represents a graph with vertices and weighted edges.
  • The `primMST` method finds the Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm.
  • The example usage demonstrates how to create a graph, add vertices and edges, and find the MST.